
Spare Time? Pfft, More Like Sparse Time

(Looking at you with my "get it?!" face)

Well, it's true. This week especially. 49 hours I'm scheduled. Yeah, forty NINE!!

I'm off today though! Hey, that's good news. So what did I do today? I sat around and played Diablo II. No, wait, not JUST Diablo II, but Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Yeah, that's right. I got the expansion. Dig it.

Last time I played Diablo II was when me, Z, and D were working at the Perry of all Parks. I got the base game (sans expansion) from Penis and Penis, and from there I was hooked. After I beat Baal (the bad guy in the base game) I went out and bought the expansion. Not like the day after, either. NO! After I finished watching the last cinematic scene, I immediately drove to Wal-Mart to get the expansion.

Here I am now, three years later, and I reinstalled. The reinstallation of a game from your past is a very nostalgic event. It's like you're ressurecting a period of your life. Maybe it's just me, but when I saw the splash screens for Diablo I got a fuzzy little feeling in my stomach comparable to a hefty shot of Smirnoff vodka. Which, I happened to be drinking a lot of during my initial experience with Diablo. COINCIDENCE!?!?!!!11

Yeah probably...


For some reason I can't bring myself to play as any character other than the Necromancer. The dude is just SO badass. Spells and raising the dead? That's hot shit!

The only difference this time around, though, is that I'm playing solely online. It's a very different beast, indeed. Example: You have to scout out the area around the "towns" EVERY time you get back in the game. That sucks. Well, it works pretty good for leveling up, but sometimes you just want to get back into the action, right? RIGHT!

You can't do that if you're lumbering around trying to find the right path.

For those in the know, I'm stuck on the last quest in the second act. There's this fucking goliath of a boss I have to beat, and it's damn near impossible.

Anyway, yeah. That what I've been up to in my spar(s)e time.

1 comment:

Elliott Marlow said...

"The reinstallation of a game from your past is a very nostalgic event. It's like you're ressurecting a period of your life."

I installed Doom2 one afternoon, and I had that same feeling. When I first got my computer, I borrowed Doom2 from Smalls and Razorblade Suitcase (the first CD I ever listened to) from D. Anyhow, as I was playing Doom2 again after years of absence, I had the sudden urge to listen to Greedy Fly...