
A Matter of Utmost Importance

I never thought petitiononline.com was worth anything. Now I see the error in my assumption. I present to you, the fine readers of my glorious weblog, a cause actually worth fighting for in these "war against terrorism" times.

Reinstate the "Walker, Texas Ranger" Lever on Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Bring back the "Walker, Texas Ranger" lever! We are all devoted fans of the comedic genius, Conan O'Brien, and we would would greatly appreciate it if Mr. O'Brien and his writers would seriously consider reinstating the hilarious "Walker, Texas Ranger" clips and aforementioned lever, perhaps in a permanent, re-occurring weekly segment, or at at least just once in a while.

Sign the petition, and you will be rewarded with 72 virgins (or sluts, if you prefer) in the afterlife.


Must See Movies

Okay, granted, I don't go out to the movies very often. For some reason, though, I've found myself in a theater twice this week. First, to see "Sin City," a fast-paced, bloody, and emotional film ported from a comic of the same name. There are some big names involved in this movie. The two that stand out above the rest are Bruce Willis, and Quentin Tarantino. Willis plays a huge part in the movie as a end-of-his-line police officer trying to track down a guy who's kidnapped and killed several little girls. Tarantino's part in the movie was only as guest director. Which parts he helped with, I'm not sure. Probably all of them, at least inspirationally, because the entire movie has his style plastered all over it. Knowing that, people will either be immediately turned off or on depending on their Tarantino stance. Personally, when I saw Tarantino's name in the opening credits, I sat up in my seat and readied myself for a quality film.

The most recent movie I saw was "Sahara." I only decided to see this one because I liked the little plot synopsis I read at the theater, and I kinda dig Matthew Mcconaughey's acting. I've seen him in some movies that weren't too popular (Glory Daze being the one that immediately comes to mind), and he does a good job. I must make it known, however, that I ALMOST didn't watch Sahara simply because Penelope Cruz has a major role in it. It seems almost preposterous to imagine her in any role other than Sofia in "Vanilla Sky." I suffered through all of her mis-pronunciations of large words (she plays a WHO doctor who has to say some big words. Her articulation is terrible at best) to see what this movie had to offer. Overall, it was an effective cohesion of history, comedy, action, and drama. Not the greatest movie ever, but certainly not the worst.

Also, I should probably note that BOTH of the above movies featured previews for "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". You better believe I'm going to see that when it comes out.


I never knew Benadryl could be so potent

So, I was supposed to work today. I went in for about 2.5 hours, and the store manager (not department manager...I'm talking about the big whig of the place) told me to go home. I didn't really want to because they cut me back to just 16 hours this week, but there's something about not being able to walk comfortably that makes you want to just get home and rest.

Yeah, that's right. Rather than the usual 40 hours I work, I've been cut down to 16 (well, about 10 now since I left early today). Apparently there were some budget issues, and employees have to reap the seeds which the figure heads have sown. Not only are we slashing prices, but we're slashing hours too.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that only rich people will be able to drive in about 6 months. $2.35/gallon? Oi. I remember thinking that 1.35/gal was outrageous. Oh well. Times'r a changin'...These changing times seem to leave me with less and less change in my pocket, though.

So I called Zach the other day, and he told me he was staring at the Atlantic Ocean. Jealousy ensued. Apparently, pictures were taken. Re-reading that post of hers, I realize that I have to nail her for the "haven't posted in light years" comment. Just so you all know (yes, all 3 of you), a light year is a measure of distance. Not time. pwned

So, like, yeah...I've got some good medicine running through my body, and I'm kinda (for lack of a better word) loopy. My arms are like Jell-O, and my head is the collective confusion of 10 monkeys trying to screw in a light bulb. I think I took too much.

Apparently, my Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Shuriken of Looking at All Sides of the Question. Thanks SkyTigress

If you're a gamer, and you have some bandwidth the spare, check out Pure Pwnage. There's, like, 6 episodes ranging in size from 60-120 megs, or something like that. Anyone who knows me and my friends in real life, tell me if you think FPS Dave reminds you of Dylan at all. He's introduced in the third episode, and plays a big part in the fifth as well. But you should probably watch them all in order so you can get a feel for what's going on. Belv, if you haven't already seen these, I _highly_ suggest you check them out. You'd appreciate them, I think. Especially the last one, but don't jump right to it. Watch them in order.

I'm rambling. Time to go.



Amour Propre

In my last post, I spoke of my horrific experience with H&R Block. While this remains true from a financial stand-point, I must say, the man who helped me out had some amusing/interesting things to say. He was an elderly gent full of trivial information. The sort of tidbits that can only be amassed through decades of observation and mental note-taking.

One such tidbit came out when we were discussing my job at Olive Garden (remember, when getting you taxes done, past jobs tend to be the focus of conversation). He went on to give me the usual spiel I've heard a hundred times or more: "Oh, I love the food there." "My wife and I go there all the time." "The (insert appetizer/entree/dessert here) is the best you can get around these parts."

The interesting part of the conversation came about when he confessed that he could never finish any of their entrees. This, too, has been said to me many times. I offered up my usual response: "Yeah. They give you enough for a meal at the restaurant, and lunch the next day."

To which he responded (totally paraphrased obviously, but the point is still here):

"Well, a long time ago, back in the 20's or 30's, it used to be considered unsophisticated to take food home from a restaurant. So then people started saying they were taking the food home for their dog. That's where we get the name for a 'Doggie Bag'. [and he actually said this next part] But you have to wonder how much of that food actually made it to the dog."

It was one of those things that kind of force you to say "Wow. You learn something new every day."

Vanity has never been so interesting.


My Journey to the Edge of the Planet

So, yeah, I didn't fall off the face of the planet.

Mahnamahna (After you first realize what you'll be watching, just give it a chance . It's funny.)

btw, I got raped by H&R Block. 116 dollars of un-lubricated ramming action. I do believe I'll take my business elsewhere, kind sir.