
A Matter of Utmost Importance

I never thought petitiononline.com was worth anything. Now I see the error in my assumption. I present to you, the fine readers of my glorious weblog, a cause actually worth fighting for in these "war against terrorism" times.

Reinstate the "Walker, Texas Ranger" Lever on Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Bring back the "Walker, Texas Ranger" lever! We are all devoted fans of the comedic genius, Conan O'Brien, and we would would greatly appreciate it if Mr. O'Brien and his writers would seriously consider reinstating the hilarious "Walker, Texas Ranger" clips and aforementioned lever, perhaps in a permanent, re-occurring weekly segment, or at at least just once in a while.

Sign the petition, and you will be rewarded with 72 virgins (or sluts, if you prefer) in the afterlife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only 72?