
More Shit Goin' Down

Alright. The majority of renovations are over. Most notably:

  • Added the Trackback indicator. I doubt anyone ever has any interest in my posts, let alone enough interest to actually fill up their weblog space with stuff I say, but I'm prepared JUST IN CASE PEOPLE READ MY SHIT AND LIKE IT. HI EVERYONE.

  • Changed the domain from gottheit.blogspot.com to interneteric.blogspot.com. It's longer, but it's a better representation of what I got going here. I tried to pick neteric.blogspot.com but someone already picked it. Through years of dealing with already-taken screen names when signing up for many a site, I've grown used to this. However, in this situation, it's a member who isn't active anymore. His first post was at the tail end of August 2004, and his second post (AKA, his LAST POST) was at the beginning of September 2004. I, on the other hand, make it a point to stay active with it. I deserve that fucking name. RALLY BEHIND ME EVERYONE. NETERIC.BLOGSPOT.COM MUST BE MINE!

  • I added that quote by Rands (top of the sidebar to the right) to kind of say "Hey, I'm just here to be me. If you don't care for what I have to say here, you probably wouldn't be my friend in real life." Now that I look at past commenting statistics, it doesn't seem like anyone cares. Oh well. I still do, and that's who I'm writing for.

I'm still looking into that syndication-type listing of headlines from weblogs and news sources I read. I may very well have to break down and e-mail someone for tips.

To be quite honest, though. I'm never really satisfied with a layout. I'll probably continue tweaking and moving shit around until I end up with an entirely different layout. It's a vicious cycle, but it fuels my need to create.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the quote and keep on writing, dammit.
