
Some Much Needed Mojo

I'm not going to give too much away just so I don't jinx anything, but I'm going to be applying for a position I'd love to have at a place I'd love to work at. Any and all positive energy you care to send my way, please do. When I find out either way, I'll post with more info.

On a happier, less stressful note, I've contracted littledeviltoo, one of my chronies from DeviantART.com to put together a nice little piece to replace that sky over there. I'm eager to see what she comes up with.

Also, you'll notice the links to the right are gone. I did this as a quick fix to a problem with the CSS that I couldn't figure out (I admit, I'm not too savvy, but I can do SOME things). So, my solution was to put them in a post, and just put a link to the individual post they're in. Hey, it works. Anyway....The problem I ran into with the links placed on the right side was that, anytime the main body was too short (like looking at an individual post's page), all the links would push to the far left side of the page. I'm sure fixing it would have been simple...Probably just forcing some right justification or something...But, again, I'm a moron. Besides, I think my solution made things a bit more tidy. Also, this way they're much easier to edit than sifting through the code for the weblog. Now I just have to edit the post. Very simple stuff. See...Yeah. That's what I had in mind all along. It was all an attempt to make things more efficient. yeah...

I'm retarded.

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