

I just stumbled onto a site that may be of interest to anyone reading this.

Audioscrobbler is a site that tracks your mp3 playing stats. Now, rather than try to explain it myself, I'll just quote the description found on the front page...Which is kind of redundant when you consider I just gave you a link to their front page. Anyway:

"Audioscrobbler builds a profile of your musical taste using a plugin for your media player (Winamp, iTunes, XMMS etc..). Plugins send the name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler server, which updates your musical profile with the new song. Every person with a plugin has their own page on this site which shows their listening statistics. The system automatically matches you to people with a similar music taste, and generates personalised recommendations."

Sounds pretty neat, huh? I thought so too. Go check it out.

You can find my Audioscrobbler profile here.

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