
You Guys Don't Even Know What It Means To Be A Trapper!

I'm not entirely sure, but I feel like I need to post something in here. Not like anyone reads this, right?

So, it's about 6:30 a.m. and I'm due in at Olive Garden in 5 hours. I've had no sleep, and I'm not tired. Through past experience, I can tell that I will become increasingly tired towards the 10 o'clock hour, and will thusly be unable to sleep because I'll be incapable of waking up when necessary. How fortunate...

Tonight was pleasant, though. I was scheduled to work, went in just a little late (as per usual), and was told that I didn't have to work. Apparenly scheduling got messed up and they put down one more person than they needed. Luckily, that person was me. How fortunate...again...

I've been listening to DVDA a lot lately (here I go with the style of comments typical for blogs...I hate that...). They really are a great band. Their versatility amazes me. Though, most of the songs I prefer to listen to were composed by Trey Parker (namely, songs from the "Cannibal! The Musical" soundtrack)...So, I suppose one could say that I've been listening to Trey Parker, and that HIS versatility amazes me. Oh well. Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe.

I've learned how to play the two songs that I find myself listening to over and over: "America, Fuck Yeah" and "The Trapper Song."

While reviewing this post before actually posting it, I've come to the conclusion that I need to actually think of something interesting to post before I post it. Sure, using this thing as a sort of journal is nice, but, let's be honest here...You don't want to read about the music I'm listening to. Seriously. The only person who cares about that is me...and maybe someone who's hanging out in my apartment or riding with me in my car. Not like those situations ever arise, but I wanted to cover my bases.

I'm starting to get tired, so I guess I'll squeeze in a few hours before work.


P.S. - I apologize for how mundane this post is.

P.P.S. - It will never happen again.

P.P.P.S. - ...hopefully.

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