
Wait! Don't Go!

The title of this weblog has changed. Welcome to "Got the It?" formerly known as "A Walk in the Park." Salutations!

I'm of the impression that I actually have to put thought into this here weblog's structure for people seek me out. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.

I'm still tinkering around in the template code trying to customize it a bit. I'm not entirely certain what is left to be done, though. After all, I am satisfied with the look of it now. Perhaps all that matters is my satisfaction. Mmm, yes, perhaps. Then again, there've been many times where I've found my contentment totally disrupted by someone else's declaration of bullshit/hogwash/what-have-you.

So, in the coming days, expect: minor (or major, depending on what I fuck up) adjustments in the look of the weblog, more links added to the appropriately named "Links" section, and more of these "Hey, I just did this to my weblog! Cool, huh?" type posts.

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